3 min readDec 20, 2020


Cosmetic Tattoo

Cosmetic tattoos, which are widely known as permanent make-up, have become popular in the last decades because of emerging celebrities and introduction of new standards of beauty. This same procedure can be used to sensitive skin conditions or allergies, to mask scars and to complete the aesthetic results of plastic and reconstructive surgeries. The risks and complications of tattooing procedures include infections and allergic reactions. Scarring can even occur. Spreading and fading of the colorants and dissatisfaction with colors and shapes are not unusual. Different lasers surgeries can offer solutions for the removal of unwanted cosmetic tattoos, but complications due to the laser treatment, such as paradoxical darkening and scarring, can arise wider.

Lash lifting

Today’s makeup world has changed a lot. We come to see many new trends and fashion and in some of those trends, we come to know about lash lifting. Lash lifting is a man made way of getting bigger, fuller and curlier eyelashes using cosmetic the treatment.

Lash lifting is a semi permanent treatment described as a perm for your eyelashes. The lift is in such a way that your lash would have a nice shape upwards and have a realistic curl. Many people thinks that lash lifting is a waste of money, time and energy but they forget that no one can achieve those Instagram models lashes without lash lifting.

How does it works?

The lash lifting works in the female saloons where the technicians begins with the lash lifting process from your permission. After walking through your goals (like if you want lashes pushed upward or fanned out or anyway), the work begins.

The technician will separate your lower and upper lashes and applies a silicone pad to your upper lid. They, then will glues your lashes to the pad to start shaping your eyelashes into a deeper curl. Three lotions containing the right chemicals are then applied, and each one sets for ten minutes–meaning the entire treatment takes about half an hour to an hour.

You would be thinking that this lashes will not last for couple of days and moreover it cannot stand water. Will I say you a secret? This lash treatment can last anywhere to 8 to 12 weeks or more, it depends how you care of it. Moreover, you can swim for hours or cry watching romantic or beautiful movies without worrying about the lashes but please don’t cry over a man because they are not worth more than your lashes. Happy..

Benefits of lash lifting training

  • Enhances your “Natural Eyelash”- Eyelash Lifting works on your natural eyelash, there is no need to add on anything to your lashes, it just works on what you naturally have and make it WONDERFUL!
  • Suitable For Short Lashes — You will glad to know that eyelash lifting is designed for almost every lash length and thickness out there. And great news for those with short lashes — YOU can still get amazing lifted results from shorter, thinner lashes without worrying.
  • Curls, lifts and gives the appearance of longer, darker lashes- Lash Lifting does it all! When your lashes are in their natural state they might be straight out or even downward facing, hence making their dimension appear stubby and short. When you have a lash lift, your lashes appears Curled and Lifted which gives the appearance of longer and even fuller lashes.
  • Great Alternative To Eyelash Extensions-If you’ve had a reaction to Eyelash Extensions or couldn’t keep up with the heavy thing? Eyelash lifting could be for you. This amazing treatment is low maintenance and a faster alternative all whilst still giving you that luscious natural feel. Moreover you don’t have a lot to think about it always.
  • Low Maintenance- We all live busy life these days and it can sometimes prove difficult to take some much-needed time out for you and to still feel glamorous. “Insert Eyelash Lifting here” Eyelash Lifting is a quick treatment and even lower maintenance. With minimal aftercare, it really is the perfect treatment.
  • Highly Addictive- With all of these amazing benefits, not to forget how wonderful you will feel with luscious, lifted lashes that you can proudly scream from the rooftops. For this reason it is more popular among younger and as well in middle aged women. It makes them looks elegant.

